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#Marketing - Understanding Marketing and Sales

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Marketing is an activity to move the market, and generating sales is important. Through the sales formula, one needs to understand the relationship between customers, product price, and closing rate.
  • Marketers play a role in maximizing sales through customer acquisition, setting appropriate prices, and improving closing rates.
  • Marketing may seem complex, but anyone can succeed in marketing if they simplify and break it down.

To do marketing, you need to understand sales. Let's understand sales and what perspective you need to have in your daily work, and understand the basic sales formula that everyone overlooks for successful marketing.

These days, we encounter marketing in situations that we never expected, without even learning what it is. I was also a non-major and became a marketer without knowing anything about marketing. I had to fiddle with numbers and look creative, but I just sat at my desk for hours.

I asked my friends about marketing on messenger, searched the internet, and went home feeling frustrated for several days.

First, I had to know what marketing was to do marketing.

What is marketing?

The dictionary definition defines it as all management activities related to producers distributing goods or services to consumers, but other books seem to have changed their definitions and contents a lot over time. More than anything, words like producer, distribution, and management activity don't feel very close, which makes marketing even more unfamiliar. So let's not think too hard. It's important to define it easily so it can stay in your mind for a long time.


Market + ing ( ~ing, ~ing, present progressive)

It's a combination of the meaning of market and the term that refers to the action that is being taken. Simply put, it can be seen as a series of activities to move the market. Here, market is simply understood in terms of location or scale. And the activity itself is simply defined as the action, behavior, or, simply, commercial activity that takes place within the Market. When you think about it this way, Marketing doesn't seem so difficult.

Market + ing: Moving or activities in the market

In that sense, a marketer is a person who works to move the market, and if we are aware of what we need to do to move the market, we become a marketer who can do marketing.

So, what do we need to do to move the market?

There are many things, of course, but it's good to recognize it as a basic activity to generate sales. There are many reasons why we should recognize it this way, but it's because when we get a job and join a company, the reality we face is about "sales." After all, can we get paid when there are no sales?

So what is "sales"?

As I'm not a very smart person, I had to look it up to understand the dictionary definition. It is said that sales are the compensation received from selling goods, services, etc. In other words, it's the money you make. So, we can say that marketing is the main job of making money.

So now the marketer's job has been defined. But we can't just jump into work. We need to know how to make sales before we start. We have to make money. I've lectured over 1,000 marketers, and I've asked them every time. How do you make sales?


Number of Customers x Unit Price x Success Rate

If 10 customers bought a 10,000 won product with a 50% probability, then the sales would be 50,000 won, of course.

Marketing in our environment starts with this sales formula. How do we attract customers to make money? How do we sell our products at a slightly higher price or at a reasonable price for customers? And how do we increase the success rate to convert these transactions into money?

What we should always think about to do marketing

Looking at the word marketing just like that, it comes across as a huge mountain that is too high and too difficult to conquer. But if we keep simplifying and breaking it down, there is no marketing we can't do. So let's not be afraid of the word marketing and give it a try.

30대의 존버살이를 씁니다.
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